Custom Framing

Roy Lictenstien custom frame
Roy Lictenstien "Blonde" is custom framed in a museum quality archival frame. The moulding is hand finished, with both white and yellow genuine gold leaf.

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Perkey Fine Art has designed the perfect custom frame for thousands of artworks over the years. We help you to select from a myriad of frame options, and select a design that harmonizes with your art, and at the same time compliments with your décor and relates to other artworks in your collection. Perkey Fine Art also supervises the entire framing process, and coordinate pickup and delivery of your art.

The right choice of framing not only enhances your art, but also protects it. Perkey Fine Art has expertise in selecting the proper archival quality materials that will protect your art over the years.

You not only receive a high level of professional service, but you save substantially on the cost of your custom framing! Our clients usually save 40% to 50% or more off the cost of the frame compared to framing art your self at a typical frame shop.